I just posted my *first* Writer's Workshop unit:
I'm really excited about this. My kids love, love, love explanatory writing. There's something about explanatory that "feels" so much easier than regular informative writing sometimes. I've also noticed that my kids have a tendency to write with more "voice" in explanatory writing as well. I always, always, always do an explanatory unit before an informative unit. It really builds their confidence as informational writers!
I try to make sure that when explanatory writing pops up in our curriculum map we do something hands-on that we can write about.
I've posted before about using Ginger Snaps unit on How to Make a Coke Float and borrowing ideas from
The Teacher Wife to write about How to Blow a Bubble.
When I thought about how to work in explanatory writing during the winter months, writing about how to make hot chocolate just seemed like a great idea!
Here's what you'll get:
Click Me!
This craft-ivity is included in this packet, but I'm also offering it for free in my store.
I have to make a confession about this freebie. My sweet friend
Mandy is the brains behind it's cuteness. She's promised to "learn me" how to do it, but for now I have to give her all the credit. :)
I hope you've all enjoyed Cyber Monday - and Tuesday! It's been a bright spot of fun in the craziness of coming back to work. I missed my kiddos, but they
really missed our routines. :)
Hope this finds you all happy and looking forward to the last part of our week!