Thursday, September 25, 2014

Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Craft

I'm all about making learning fun and integrating subjects. I decided to take a science lesson about the life cycle of a pumpkin and turn it into an art project. I came up with this 3-D life cycle of a pumpkin craftivity. Plus, it makes a perfect "non-Halloween" craft for all your students on Halloween and an even better table decoration for Thanksgiving.

the life cycle of a pumpkin

Swing by Sweet Tea Classroom to learn more.

Robin Sellers


  1. So cute!!!! I'm going to do this tomorrow ;)
    Thanks so much
    Lory's Page

  2. I know I'm really late to the game on this, but I just found this site from Pinterest. Is the printable for the stages still available? The connecting link does not have this anymore.


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